Wednesday, July 15, 2015

SHARE even the Pope gets Social!

Fun Fact of the reading: Pope Francis, the reigning head of the Catholic Church takes "selfies" to stay in communication with all the different people he meets around the world! 
Here is one I took from the internet, just incase  you do not believe me! :) 

What I love about the fun fact is that this is a perfect example on how many different leaders from small town teachers to CEOs to Company Presidents to the Pope all use technology to keep in touch with their people. For me that would be my students!

When sharing and staying in touch with people it is important to share fast, frequent, and informal. "At a fundamental lever, successful sharing connects to three things: strategic goals, common ground, and relationship focus." The content and message you want to share should always be related to the overall goals. Tip : add some passion to your messages. The example of a tweet in the book is from Padmasree "Lesson from last week: Dance like there's nobody watching, email like the world is reading. :)." Sticking to one specific message of story at a time will help serve the purpose in creating a message.  

The Science of Sharing:
1) Create a plan - Ask yourself these questions in this linear plan.
  •  Why? - Goal 
  •  What? - Relationship 
  •  How? - Venue 
2) Curate Based on Listening  - Start with what you already know! If you are listening you will have a great starting point.

3) Switch It Up -  It is always good to switch gears and try something different. My suggestion is to stay with something familiar, but new. We don't want to reinvent the wheel, but maybe add some chrome to it! :)

4) Schedule It - Make yourself stick to a schedule. Pick a date and stay with it. If every Tuesday at 10:00am you tweet, then make that happen every Tuesday and stick to it!

5) Play to your strengths - The job of a leader is to motivate, so pick what you do best and use it to motivate others. Social media is a tool to help motivate, not replace it!

6) - Be Intentional and Recalibrate - I don't know anything in this world that never needs and update or a recalibration. Leaders are no different. Make sure that what you are doing is adding value to your message and intentions.

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